samedi 30 septembre 2017

The Red Dot Zones ... - Vidéo de Jasmuheen avec sous-titres français

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“The world has never been healthier, wealthier, or better educated,” says Obama

Former US president Barack Obama says that, despite “extraordinary challenges,” now is the time to embrace optimism

“If you had to choose any moment in history to be born, you’d choose right now,” Barack Obama told a conference in New York recently.

“The world has never been healthier, wealthier, or better educated, or in many ways more tolerant and less violent than it is today.”

The former US president’s speech at a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation event on 20 September acknowledged the “extraordinary challenges” the world faces, but called on the audience of innovators, activists, musicians, comedians and royalty to embrace optimism and reject the cynical narratives of divisive politics and mainstream media.

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“By just about every measure, the world is better than it was 50 years ago, 30 years ago and even 10 years ago,” he said. “I know that statement doesn’t chime with the steady stream of bad news and the cynicism that we’re fed through television and Twitter, but since the 1950s, life expectancy has grown by more than 20 years. Since 1990 we have cut extreme poverty and childhood mortality in half. Since 2000 we’ve evolved from a world without marriage equality to one where it’s a reality in more than two dozen countries.”

The speech came just a day after his successor, Donald Trump, caused controversy in an address to the United Nations by saying that the US could be forced to “totally destroy North Korea”.

We have to reject the notion that we’re suddenly gripped by forces that we cannot control

Obama also raised concerns about the rise of “a politics that says it’s not ‘we’, but ‘us and them”. But he went on to say that “we have to reject the notion that we’re suddenly gripped by forces that we cannot control.”

He also referred to the ongoing problems of growing economic inequality, changing climate, terrorism, and mass migration, but said the progress he has witnessed during his lifetime shows that “despite the naysayers and the cynicism, change can happen. Individually and collectively we can make a difference, we can make things better.”

After ending his second term as US president in January, Obama said that his focus now is to train the next generation of leaders to change the world through his foundation, the Obama Foundation.

Despite the naysayers and the cynicism, change can happen. Individually and collectively we can make a difference

Obama’s speech took place at an event called Goalkeepers at the Lincoln Center in Manhattan for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on initiatives that present practical solutions to the world’s problems. The two-day event brought together ‘determined thinkers, doers and givers’ to share ideas on achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN.

The original posted by Tom Lawson can be found here.

lundi 25 septembre 2017

The Grand Awakening - a Positive Insight & Time (from Jasmuheen and Anjie)


Welcome to our latest news - yes it is unusual for us to send our 2 newsletters in 2 months but something is happening and many can feel it! Something strong is unfolding, yet there is no matrix to tune to re this as it is a global co-creation, with many more coming together in clarity regarding how we wish to be together on Earth; playing the very limited but highly mesmerising 'me, me' me game' or moving even deeper collectively into the more unified, more Grace-filled game of the 'we'!

As I write this, The Global Citizen Festival is beaming out from Central Park in New York, with a variety of inspirational messages, music and messengers. The energy it has just been adding to the Unified fields is electrifying and you can a see a video on this here.   

Despite what appears to be chaotic times for some, people are gathering all around our world, they are coming into clarity and they are becoming stronger regarding what they would like to see unfolding in our world and this is stimulating a strong quantum response.

At the same time we have the small vortex being created between US President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, which has perhaps resulted in a lot more U.F.O. activity and sightings. None of this 'threatening talk' between these leaders is a problem as is shown in the "Unacknowledged" documentary, as our Intergalactic friends can diffuse all of this quickly if required, as our choices on Earth will not be allowed to have negative fallout on a universal level. Yet is is our planet and our inter-dimensional friends trust that we can make the right choices, they know, like we all do, that what we each vibrate has a huge impact and the fields as we know - so vibrating the love and compassion of our Pure nature is the best thing we can do!   

We know that some of you on our mailing list are not interested in the Matrix of Beings of Light and knowing our Intergalactic Kin but for those of you interested, this topic will be strong in this issue, as all sources are now confirming our intuitive knowing that we have now merged deeper with the unified realms than ever before and all the chaos just reflects this merge.

Personally, first came the inner push for me to complete and offer our Pranic People research freely to all, next came the push to create a very clear auto-biography in a brief video we call "Jasmuheen revealed"; and then came the strong inner call to add more data to our Youtube Playlist that we have called "Contact - our ET friends, UFO's, telepathy, Earth's future and more"; however in this series we are adding additional levels to what Dr Steven Greer has released on Netflix with his "Unacknowleged" movie (see his Youtube trailer.)

Our last newsletter had a number of people saying, how can we proclaim the Golden Age is here when there is still so much suffering in our world, so for these ones we share the new Red Dot Zone & The Golden Age movie at this link  where we offer a higher perspective on the zones of chaos in our world and how everything naturally comes up for rebalance at the start of a Golden Age time, so things are not what they seem. Then you might like to watch our new "Grand Awakening" video insight that flows on from this - you can see more re this below as it is quite an unusual message from our Light Being friends. 

I love being home as you know, I also love still being active and beaming into places via Skype as I did with the Openmind Festival in Spain this last week. The following message on "Recoding deeper into personal & global unity zones ... heart sharing about life, my background and so much more, including promoting the importance of open minds and hearts!" was what came through ... to view this click here ...

Finally, in a few days, I am off to India, then Taiwan then soon after that Brazil then back to China to do our wonderful Sacred Art Retreat! As usual you can see the link to our tour schedule below and of course we would love to see you there with us, for it is so different to be in the energy field we co-create in each gathering compared to the way we are connecting now - smiles.
This is Jasmuheen sharing all the love, all the light, all the wisdom that comes from my heart and my core, with you all.

Biggest hugs to you all - Jasmuheen and Anjie ...

(The original can be found here)

mardi 12 septembre 2017

Dates for our meetings in the next few months in Brussels and Liège.

Dear friends,

It  looks like we are in autumn now, the leaves are changing colours and fall to the ground, the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are going down. I hope you enjoyed your holidays and found moments of silence in nature by yourselves and also celebrated good times with family without the daily stress. Did you also stock some of the warmth of summer in your heart for the colder  days? I was in Brussels most of the time and took advantage of the more relaxed summer climate in traffic, more parking spaces, people sitting on the terraces of restaurants and bars, lunch time concerts in various locations. And I spent a week in Hamburg with my family which was filled with outings to the Baltic Sea, a barefoot park in the  countryside, inviting us to feel and listen to  and appreciate nature in all its beauty walking barefoot on different grounds. A great experience for the children and the adults. And  we also discovered new things in the city mostly in sunshine. I find it so important to spend time with those I love best and with whom I have been together for such a long time  and  probably also in past lives. For me who lives on my own most of the time it was intense and unusual.  But taking out the dog for a brisk walk of one hour every day at 6.30 am gave  me my hour of silence in nature and allowed my to enjoy family life for the rest of the day. It is thanks to my sister that I inherited such a warm-hearted big family that I love and for whom I am their elder.

Where are we with the outer world at the moment? The big meteorological movements, like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, forest fires etc. could fill us with anxiety and fears, if we did not have our spiritual path in life and all the wisdom of the old indigenous populations confirming that we are on the way to a new Golden Age, where everything will be different, not like anything our planet has  experienced before in human history. No more wars or conflicts between different countries, religions, belief systems, no more pursuit of money or material things, no more pollution, welcome to the clean energies, to unity with all, peace and solidarity, working for the highest best of all, healthy food a  new quantic science proving that everything is connected with everything! And all this is only possible thanks to the energy  of LOVE - COMPASSION, the strongest energy in the world which is also at the basis of all religions, of all human life, even fauna and flora on our planet and of the Universe. And of course, it is part of our spiritual teachings, our path in consciousness which considers everything as sacred and divine, including equality between the sexes in all areas, celebrating life and putting us all on the same level. No more bosses  and subordinates, even in politics and the corporate world.  It is all working together for the highest good of all. It is paradise on earth ! And can you believe it, can  you imagine it? Do you realise that we are almost there already?   We have indeed been working for this for ages, in  order to contribute to the elevation of human consciousness which has increased so much in the last couple of years. Or do you still believe in what the conventional media are telling us, suggesting that we are going towards the end of the world, Are you in fear? Do you know that 95% of the population is already creating this Golden Age ? If you ask people whether they want war or peace, 95 % are going to choose peace. Therefore, all is very well, and the media are indeed only serving those last 5 %. As I travel a lot around the world I know  about all these  magnificent projects being realised everywhere. There  is also integrative medecine, where conventional and alternative methods are working together and which already helps a lot of people to get out of the system of drugs etc. And lots of things are also happening in the corporate world and in science where  more efficient procedures are developed to create the new. Education is still lagging behind a bit, but  it will all come together. The new generations  will push the old ones to go forward. 

As our planet Gaia is in the process of cleansing - with water, air and fire - and many people have lost their homes  and  everything else in these violent natural "disasters", many are obliged to create a new life for themselves and their families. And  we all have to do the  same, let go of all that does not serve us anymore,  also in our heads, our thought processes.  Let us go forward and stay in the present moment at the same time, choosing our path in consciousness, focalising on what unites us instead of  what is separating us. And also the refugees are around all of us for a reason,  teaching us to live all together as one family on one planet in peace and kindness, independent of our origins. 

Jasmuheen has just published a very good video on UTube about the Golden Age, in English. But it will soon come  out  with subtitles in other languages. I have  just sent her the French translation.

Oh, this has become quite  a  long story, so  lets go to the dates for our meetings in the next few months  in Brussels and Liège.

Liège at 
Stefania Pastechia's place (0496395035)
Rue Haute Préalle 178,
4040 Herstal 
on Sundays 17 September 2017 at 3 pm,
8 October 2017,
19 November and
17 Décembre.  
5 €

Brussels at my place, +32.26729684 or 0486.961422,
Drève de la Brise 8/2
1170 Bruxelles
Mondays at 7 pm 18 Septembre,
9 October,
20 November and
18 December.
5 € 

I also wanted to say that I am always available for individual sessions or to guide you through a  Game of Transformation. 

Meanwhile I am looking forward to see you at one or the other meeting and encourage you to stay strong in these critical times and remain aligned with your Divine One Within. That is the most
important thing, to take time  for meditation and reflection in order to stabilise yourself, because all the past references don't work any more, and we have to go inside to our heart and listen  to the first intuition. The second intuition is often already the mind interfering because it does not want to lose control. You better listen only to the first one.

Love, peace and joy

Dates de réunions pour les prochains mois à Bruxelles et Liège

Bonjour chers amis,

On dirait que nous  sommes  arrivés en  automne, les feuilles des arbres  changent de couleur et tombent par terre, les  journées sont plus courtes en  lumière et les températures baissent …. J'espère que vous ayez passé de bonnes  vacances, que  vous  ayez pu trouver vos moments à vous en silence  dans la nature et aussi célébrer les bons moments en  famille dans  la joie et relax, faire provision de  la chaleur estivale dans  votre coeur  pour mieux vivre la saison plus froide. Pour ma part j'étais à Bruxelles la  plupart du  temps et j'ai bien profité de la  situation plus calme dans la circulation, des concerts de Midi Minimes au Conservatoire et à l'Eglise des Minimes, d'observer les gens contents sur les terrasses et la nature riche en fleurs partout. Un privilège. Et j'ai  passé une semaine à Hambourg dans ma famille, où nous  avons fait plein d'excursions à la mer Baltique, à un parc pieds nus très intéressant qui nous permettait de tester notre ressenti sur  différentes surfaces en pieds nus et aussi pour les  oreilles et la  vue. Les enfants ont adoré, nous aussi. Et nous  avons découvert les nouveautés de la ville, le tout avec le soleil la plupart du temps. Je trouve cela tellement important, de passer du temps avec les personnes qui nous  sont le  plus proches et qui nous ont accompagné le plus longtemps, souvent aussi dans nos vie antérieures. Pour moi, qui je vis seule la plupart du temps, c'est intense et inhabituel. Cependant comme je sors avec le chien tous les matins à 6.30h pour une promenade énergétique d'une heure dans  la nature, j'ai eu mon heure de  silence dans la nature et peux me réjouir de la vie familiale le restant de  la journée. C'est  grâce  à ma soeur que  j'ai hérité d'une très grande famille chaleureuse que j'adore et dont je suis  la séniore maintenant.

Où en sommes-nous avec le monde extérieur en ce moment ? Les  grands mouvements météorologiques,  comme  les ouragans, les tremblements de terre, les inondations, les feux de forêts pourraient nous faire peur et nous mettre dans l'angoisse, si nous n'avions pas notre chemin spirituel qui nous rassure et notre foi dans la vie et toute la sagesse des anciennes populations indigènes qui nous confirment que nous sommes en route vers un nouvel Age d'Or, où tout sera différent, du jamais vu dans toute l'histoire humaine. Fini les guerres et les affrontements des peuples, des religions, fini la quête des biens matériels, fini la pollution, bienvenu les énergies propres, l'égalité pour tous, l'unité avec tout, la paix et la solidarité,  le bien commun, une nourriture épurée et saine, une nouvelle science quantique qui prouve que tout est relié. Et tout cela n'est possible que grâce à l'énergie de l'AMOUR - COMPASSION, l'énergie la plus forte, qui se trouve à la base de toutes  les religions, de toute la vie humaine, végétale et animale sur notre planète ainsi  que dans l'Univers entier. Et évidemment il fait partie de notre enseignement spirituel, notre chemin en conscience qui considère tout comme sacré et divin, y inclus l'égalité des sexes dans tous les domaines, qui célèbre la vie et nous met tous  au même niveau, plus de chefs  et subordonnés même dans la politique, tous travaillant ensemble pour le  bien commun. C'est cela le paradis sur terre! Et pouvez-vous  y croire? Pouvez-vous l'imaginer? Est-ce  que vous vous rendez compte que nous y sommes déjà  presque, et que nous y travaillons tous déjà depuis si longtemps, en contribuant à l'élévation de la conscience de l'humanité qui a fait un grand bond en avant ces dernières années? Ou est-ce que vous croyez encore à ce que  les médias conventionnels nous  racontent et veulent nous faire croire que nous  allons  vers la fin du monde, nous faire peur? Savez-vous que 95 % de la population sont déjà bien branchés sur cet Age d'Or que  nous  créons? Car si vous demandez aux gens s'ils  veulent la guerre ou la paix, 95% vont choisir la paix. Donc tout va bien, et les médias ne servent plus que les derniers  5 %. Comme je voyage beaucoup je suis au courant de  tous ces magnifiques projets qui sont réalisés dans le monde entier. Un domaine que je n'ai pas encore mentionné est la médecine intégrative, où la conventionnelle et l'alternative se rencontrent. Aussi le domaine corporatif et la science sont en pleine effervescence pour créer du  nouveau. Dans l'éducation on est pas  encore très avancé, mais  cela viendra. C'est tellement important pour les nouvelles générations qui ne trouvent pas leur satisfaction à l'école avec l'ancien système.  
Comme notre planète Gaia est  en plein processus de nettoyage - avec l'eau, l'air et le feu - et beaucoup de personnes ont tout perdu dans ce processus, eux ils seront obligés de se créer une nouvelle  vie, nous devons le faire aussi, lâcher prise de tout ce qui ne nous  sert plus, aussi et surtout dans notre pensée, et allons vers l'avant tout en restant dans l'instant présent, choisissant notre chemin en conscience, focalisons nous sur ce qui nous  unit et  non sur ce qui nous sépare. Aussi les réfugiés sont là  pour cette raison, nous apprendre à vivre tous ensemble  comme  une  famille dans la paix et l'entente. 

Jasmuheen vient de  publier un UTube sur l'Age d'Or en anglais et qui sera sous-titré très vite, je viens  de lui envoyer la traduction vers le français. 

Ouf, c'est devenu un peu long. Donc passons maintenant aux dates de réunions pour les prochains mois à Bruxelles et Liège:
Liège chez Stefania Pastechia (0496395035)
Rue Haute Préalle 178,
4040 Herstal,
les dimanches 17 Septembre 2017 à 15h, 
8 Octobre 2017 à 15h, 
19 Novembre à 15 h et 
17 Décembre à 15h.  
P.A.F. 5 €

Bruxelles chez moi, +32.26729684 or 0486.961422,
Drève de la Brise 8/2
1170 Bruxelles
les lundis 18 Septembre à 19h, 
9 Octobre à 19h, 
20 Novembre 19h, 
18 Décembre à 19h, 
P.A.F. 5 € 

Je vous  rappelle aussi  que je suis toujours disponible pour des séances individuelles ou pour vous  guider dans un  Jeu de  la Transformation.

Entretemps je me réjouis de  vous  voir à l'une ou l'autre  réunion et vous souhaite de tenir bon dans ces temps mouvementés et de rester alignés à votre  Divin Intérieur. C'est cela le plus important de vous  prendre des temps de méditation et réflexion pour vous  stabiliser, car tous les anciens  repères  ne fonctionnent plus, il faut se référer uniquement à notre coeur et à la  première  intuition de celui-ci. La deuxième intuition est en général déjà le mental,  alors  écoutez uniquement la première ….

Amour, Paix et Joie

mercredi 6 septembre 2017

Quote of the day

The now is the most exciting time you have ever known, so do not miss a second of it. Live on the tips of your toes, ready for anything to happen at any moment!
 - Eileen Caddy

vendredi 1 septembre 2017

The Red Dot Zones and the Golden Age - Chaos and Unity - Jasmuheen

In this brief yet insightful video, Ambassador of Peace Jasmuheen shares a higher perspective on the zones of chaos in our world, how everything will naturally come up for rebalance at the start of  a Golden age time.